Friday, August 25, 2017

Five one Friday

Since I went to India, I didn’t contribute on “Five on Friday” which I used to enjoy a lot to do. After I came back from India , every Friday morning I decided to write down the tidbit of the five days, but  always I ended up not doing that. So, today I’ve decided to write down the all the mundane of this week.

As soon as I decided to write down about the week, I forgot what I did on Monday. I think I didn’t do much things on Monday. However, one important things is that , again I started my workout, after almost 4 months gap. I’m planning to participate in 5K marathon in first week of October. So, I have only one month to prepare myself.

I felt extremely tired in the evening despite doing almost nothing since morning. The only thing I did, doing some cross stitch pattern.

As I already told you, we are remodeling our house. Since the beginning we are getting many obstacles. The latest setback came today morning. The city inspector came to see the work. He told that we should take another foot back from the fence of the new part. However, city office already approved the blue print, and they were working according to that. In the evening I came to know about that. It extremely pissed me off. Anyway, our contractor later talked with the city office, and sort out the problem. 

As our contractor sorted out everything on Wednesday, today they could do the foundation job. Hopefully everything would be fine. 

It was a real busy day. Form cooking, cleaning, doing four loads of laundry, going to bank I was as tired as a dog in the evening. My last job was to take kiddie to swimming class. 


A Colorful World said...

Beautiful flowers! Hope your remodel goes well.

Nancy Chan said...

Your flowers are doing well and they are so beautiful and colourful!

bellodiesseredonna said...

amo i fiori..meravigliosi

JoJo said...

Inspectors and permits really tick me off. I have yet to hear of a remodel project that goes smoothly because of the city or town butting in.

Mac n' Janet said...

Any time you deal with officials it's a pain. Your flowers are so pretty. Good luck on training for the run.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I'm so sorry you are still having issues with your renovations and building. That's so disheartning. Soon it will pass and you will be able to enjoy it! Your flowers are lovely. Running a 5K is quite an accomplishment--enjoy your preparations. ♥

Chris Lally said...

Remodeling - yuck. Been there, but now (thankfully) it is just a blur.
Good to just try to enjoy those gorgeous flowers and concentrate on your run.

Carolina G. Ticala said...

great post!!! have a good day!!!!👌👌👌💚💚💚

Reckless diary by Anya Dryagina said...

Wow, what a beautiful place!
Have a lovely Sunday!

Beauty Unearthly said...

beautiful photos

Betsy said...

I love seeing flowers and especially your pretty ones. Renovations, what a headache it can be. I hope all goes well in getting it done.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, your flower garden is beautiful. Lovely blooms. Renovations are such a pain, I am glad you have a contractor. Kudos for you, running a 5K. That is awesome. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

Stephanie said...

Good morning, dear Krishna, and Happy Monday!

My, what a lovely post! Your flowers are truly beautiful! I hope you have a splendid week, sweet friend. Hugs!

Rafaela Biscassi said...

Beautiful flowers and photos.

krishna said...

O dear!! thanks a lot.. This gardenias two years back.. My now garden is in total mess due to the remodeling works.. hope next year again I can do the gardening.. Loads of love n hugs for you..

krishna said...

Thanks a lot Elieen...XOXO

krishna said...

Yes dear!! it is a headache.. not at all a easy task to do..

Alejandra said...

Lovely pictures!
Have a nice day,

Irreplaceable_fashion said...

Beautiful plants:) Nice photos Dear:)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful blooms! Why do house renovations never run smoothly ☺ The good thing is that when they are finally finished we appreciate them even more 😀 Good luck with your marathon training Krishna ✨

orvokki said...

Wauu.. so beautiful flowers.

Beauty Editer said...

Love it!

Latest Post: YVES SAINT LAURENT Tatouage Couture Matte Stain Swatches

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Krishna, you have had a busy week. That red tape that you go through with either city or county is not fun, hopefully it is straightened out. Your flowers are very pretty. Thanks for your visit. Friday we will be at 102 weather wise. I feel about that age!..Happy Wednesday..Judy

Mari said...

Hi Krishna - thanks for stopping over!
Good for you on the work out. Your flowers are so pretty. Good luck on those renovations, we are just finishing up a bathroom redo...

krishna said...

Yes dear.. now everything is ok.. they are working.. hopefully they can finish quickly ...

Susanna Hietanen said...

Big thanks for visiting my blog!

Good to hear from you! Have a nice weekend :-)

Nava K said...

Been pretty hectic, actually really hectic for you. Hang in there, the dusk will settle soon.

biebkriebels said...

Thank you for visiting my blog, nice to meet other people.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Beautiful flowers and beautiful photography. Thanks for sharing.

shwet said...

Lovely pictures!! You really have hectic week. Wish you happy & relax coming weekend. :)

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

Beautiful flowers....sounds like you have a remodeling job going on..good luck...this is a good way to journal, that's why I love blogging.. thanks for visiting!

The French Hutch said...

Such lovely flowers, you certainly have a green thumb! Happy weekend.........

RaeAbigael said...

those flowers are beautiful! :">

xoxo, rae

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Such pretty flowers. Hope the rest of the remodel goes smoothly for you and your family. xx Karen

A Casa Madeira said...

Beautiful pictures.
I love it.

Cynthia said...

Your flowers are so pretty. Mine are tired-looking from blooming all summer and all the hot weather. I hope you have no more surprises on your remodeling. It always happens though.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Hi Krishna!
I feel sorry for the bureaucracy.
Your flowers and pictures are wonderful.
Happy weekend.
Kisses and greetings.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Krishna,
Well, I know how you feel after returning home from such a visit.
Emotionally I've always been floating for about a week... Family is family and it hurts when you depart once again.
So take your time to fluff back to reality on your side of the world.
Meanwhile, enjoy your lovely flowers.
Sending you hugs,

PS We did do consulting in India for more than ten years... LOVE the country and its people and above all the food. We're lucky having Indian friends and being part of several Indian weddings.

Ida said...

Remodeling a house can be very stressful. - Sometimes we need to just sit back and try to relax even when doing the mundane tasks. - You have aome lovely flowers pictured here. - Thanks for visint my blog. I'm following yours now.

Ayu Damayanthi said...

lovely flowrs<3


bj said...

I loved reading your 5 on Friday...we are about to start a paint job of all the inside of our house so I will keep a daily description of it all, just like you are doing...thanks for the inspiration...

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