It had been a long time I posted anything in my blog. I yet to get my usual motivation to post. Everyday I see my blog. I see all the sweet comment made by my all kind and sweet blogger friends . However, I didn’t even say ,“Thank you “ to them. I’m really, really sorry that I didn’t response to your comments, and not even visiting your blogs. You guys are so kind to me. I’m thankful to all of you. Hopefully in near future I’ll upload regularly in my blog, and visit your blogs. In the mean time few interesting things happened, mostly about my sweet little one.
Firstly the Open House in their school. For one long month the students and the teachers worked extremely hard to put on such beautiful exhibitions in their classroom. For one week they didn’t allow me to enter in their classroom. I usually go to the school to volunteer in different activities there. Though I usually don’t volunteer in my son’s classroom, but I could see inside the classroom while to go to pick him up from school. But they didn’t let me even peek inside before the Open house.
I enjoyed their excitement about the exhibition. Since morning of the day , my son had been asking me whether I was going to attend the Open house. Anyway, the day was hectic. Right after finishing his swim class we directly headed to the school. The Open house was a huge success. Their teacher worked a lot to make it a success. They did many different kind of project for this exhibition. Most interesting project was “Flat Stanley” “Flat Stanley” is a children’s story about a boy Stanley Lambchop and his younger brother Arthur. Their father gave them a big bulletin board to display picture and posters. He hung that over Stanley’s bed. During the night the board fell from the wall directly on Stanley flattening him.
He survived and started taking full advantage of his new state. He started sliding under the locked door, and played with his younger brother by being used as a kite. With his new state he could travel anywhere in an envelope.After reading the book the children created their own “Flat Stanley” and did activities with the toy. After that they send the “Flat” boy to their desired destinations. My son sent him to his friend’s home. After all the “Flat Stanley”s Came back to school the children pointed the places in a big world map and put their Stanleys on the map.
Flat Stanley Project
That was very nice project. We reached open house little late. Our son showed us all the things they did for the exhibition. Even the children in the class made check list for their parents.
Alien Project
So, the parents could check the exhibits they had seen in the class. After watching thoroughly all the exhibits we went to see the other classes exhibition. All the students and the teachers from the school did an excellent job. We were really impressed.
Hi Krishna, those children and teachers open house projects are excellent and very impressive. All the drawings are very cute. Thanks for sharing with us.
Sometimes I'm also slow in return visit to blog friends. I'm sure all bloggers will understand that cos blogging and return visit is quite time consuming. Anyway do keep up the good job even thou its just one posting a month. Happy blogging.
Great joint effort put in by the teachers and children. A wonderful way of teaching and learning for the teachers and children. Make blogging a hobby and pleasure, do not put pressure on yourself.
WOW! I love it that their school encourages creativity.
Hi Krishna, those children and teachers open house projects are excellent and very impressive. All the drawings are very cute. Thanks for sharing with us.
Sometimes I'm also slow in return visit to blog friends. I'm sure all bloggers will understand that cos blogging and return visit is quite time consuming. Anyway do keep up the good job even thou its just one posting a month. Happy blogging.
Have a nice weekend, regards.
What a wonderful way to learn!
Great joint effort put in by the teachers and children. A wonderful way of teaching and learning for the teachers and children. Make blogging a hobby and pleasure, do not put pressure on yourself.
Wow definitely great project
It is always fun to attend the events in the school.
What a lovely post!
I'm so happy to meet you and visit your beautiful blog.
Have a great new week!
lovely post
Great exhibitions. I can imagine they had so much fun doing each project. Love the Flat Stanley project very much!
That is such a fun exhibition, it is wonderful that a school encourages creativity.
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