What to do with the left over pulp of carrots after drinking the carrot juice. Everyday I face the same problem. I know easiest way is to just throw the residue. However, I always hesitate to do that. So, a big bowl of carrot reside was sitting in my refrigerator. I was thinking what to do with that apart from carrot cakes. Then I decided to mix that with ground chicken to make chicken-carrot meat ball. Even you can add grated zucchini, broccoli in the meat ball. Believe me , that will taste great. Here is my recipe.
One pound ground chicken Two cups grated carrot Two tsp. garlic pawer Two tsp. ginger powder Salt and pepper to taste One egg Two tbsp. of all purpose flour You also can use dried herbs with it. That will enhance the taste. Oil spray
The recipe is very simple. Preheat the oven at 350 degree F. Take a cookie tray. Line with aluminum foil. Spray oil on the aluminum foil. Then mix well all the ingredients wit your hand. Make golf size ball from the mixture by hand. Arrange the balls on the cookie tray. Spray oil over the balls. Bake for fifteen minutes. Then with a tong flip the meat balls, and bake for another 5 minutes. Serve hot with your choice of dip.
Krishna, that sounds yummy. Anything "veggie" mixed with meat balls would be good, but I think the carrots would taste wonderful. Thanks for your visit to me..Happy Wednesday..Judy
Mais uma sugestão fantástica, que nunca experimentei!... Uma óptima ideia essas almôndegas, com frango e cenoura... Aqui tenho substituído o óleo por azeite, há quem não goste... mas muitos defendem ser uma opção mais saudável... Beijinhos Ana
Yum. Looks so good. I do love carrot juice and it's so good extracted like that for soups.
I bet those are good! I used to juice and drink carrot juice every day, too. I haven't had any in a long time. xo Diana
Yum!! The chicken carrot meatballs look so delicious!! Thank you for the recipe!! Have a great evening!! Big hugs :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
They look very tasty and a great way to use the carrot pulp.
It looks delicious, thanks for recipe:*
Dear Krishna,
thank you for sharing such a wonderful recipe, I want to give it a try!
Wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week
I have the same problem. What to do with leftover carrots.
I throw it on the composter.
Your food looks tasty.
Kisses and greetings.
Thank you for recipe :-)
Very creative, Krishna. They sound quite good and tasty! ♥
At least you came up with a solution.
seems delicious!
Guria do Século Passado
Parece delicioso. Feliz dia querida.
Great idea! Nothing is wasted!
That was very creative of you to come up with that recipe. Sounds delicious too.
xx Beca
Krishna, that sounds yummy. Anything "veggie" mixed with meat balls would be good, but I think the carrots would taste wonderful. Thanks for your visit to me..Happy Wednesday..Judy
This is excellent! Thank you!
That sounds really good!!!
Mais uma sugestão fantástica, que nunca experimentei!...
Uma óptima ideia essas almôndegas, com frango e cenoura...
Aqui tenho substituído o óleo por azeite, há quem não goste... mas muitos defendem ser uma opção mais saudável...
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