Black Friday Shopping spree
I usually don’t go shopping much, as I am not a big fan of wasting hard earned money. My husband worries as to why I ‘m not like other wives. Anyway, couple of months before Thanksgiving’, he told me that he was going shopping this Black Friday sale and no one could resist him. However, this time I also was in the same mood and I was extremely enthusiastic. Through one month almost every day he reminded me to make a shopping list, but I was too sluggish. He understood that I was not going to make the list. So, he started of his own.
At last, I felt that I should have participated and told him that I would do the list for Kohls' , rest of the job was his. Two days before the big day, one night we sat together to make the final list. After a while we stared each other thinking that the amount we were going to spend. Anyway, our next job was to go to the selected shops and to see where exactly they were going to keep our desired articles. So, on the eve of Thanksgiving Day we went to do that. First we went to Kohls'. That tour was successful. We could see all where the ‘things’ were kept, which we were going to buy next day. Even we calculated how to ‘grab’ them. Then we went to Target. That tour was not so successful, because the store was yet to arrange the door-buster articles. Our last stop was Wal Mart, and there the picture was same as Target. So, we came back home.
Next day since morning we were extremely excited and continuously changing our plan. We were waiting for the morning paper. As soon as we got sound of the thud we rushed to pick it. Our (not actually ours that was absolutely mine) first destination was Michaels. I told that at least I needed one hour there to shop there. So, my husband dropped me there at 4 o’clock in the afternoon and went to a nearby park with the little one. I took my own time and started picking up I couldn’t understand when one hour passed. After taking a look at the shopping cart I felt that I should control myself and stopped shopping. I feared that it was going to be minimum $150. Anyway, to my great relief it was only $75. We had ample of time in our hand before going to our next destination, Wal Mart. We came back home and took rest for a while and went to Wal Mart at 7 o’clock. There was no line and Wal Mart was open. We rushed inside. Though it was open we couldn’t take ‘door buster’ articles before 8 o’clock. Rumbling around the store was difficult. So, I stood near the blanket section holding onto one, because I couldn’t take one before 8 o’clock, and I didn’t want to let the opportunity to go from my hand. My husband went to toys section to take cars for son. Standing for long time at a single place with a child was a challenging task. I couldn’t move from there, because I had to take one blanket. Moreover, moving the shopping cart in an over-crowded store added to the woe. I was constantly talking to my son to divert his attention. In the meantime my husband went to the towel section, because we needed towels too. Suddenly somebody said that people could take the towel. As soon as he heard that, he grabbed three towels, came to me, dumped them in the cart and rushed to toys section. He managed to grab two cars after some tussle and rushed to children's clothes section to ‘pull’ some pajamas-set for our son. In the mean time I tried to stand in a relatively empty space. Those three things were most important to us. Then we started picking up the less important thing. We finished our shopping within half an hour. When we came out from there it was only 8:30. While going out from there we just looked back to see the scenario in front of the store. We gaped to see the huge line outside the store. We knew that we hit the store just in time. Our next destination was Target. When we reached Target the parking lot was not so crowded, we thought the queue would be not very long. We started walking to find the end of the line. We walked and walked and when we reached the end we found that it ended just beside the place where we parked our car. We really fooled ourselves as we just ran to stand on the queue without looking anywhere. Anyway, though the line was long, we didn’t face any difficulties to enter the store and found our desired things. We only missed the towels. Anyway, our last destination was Kohls. Kohls was about to open at 12 O’clock. It was only 9:30, so we decided to finish our dinner. First we thought of going back home to have dinner. Then we changed our and decided to have dinner at Denny’s which was eventually just opposite to Kohl’s. When we were going to have dinner the queue in front of Kohl’s was not remarkably long. So, we thought to go back home to unload our car. However, when we came out after dinner the scene at Kohl’s was different. The line was increasing. I asked my husband to drop me in front of Kohl’s before going home, and that was very wise decision. After some time he came back. As soon as the gate was opened everybody rushed inside the shop and started picking up things. First I picked up 4 pieces of jewelry. Then I rushed to cookware and crockery section. In the mean time my husband had already picked the mixer and the toaster. Then we started looking other things. I found a pair walking shoes less than half of its price. I also picked another two pairs of shoes. Our son stayed awaked for a long time. At last he fell asleep at 12:30. Our shopping was done smoothly. Only we didn’t find one dinner set. Among many dinner sets, that particular set was missing. Anyway, the line for checking out was increasing, so we decided to check out. While we were standing on the line, suddenly my hubby saw some towels were left at one side. I picked up two of them. Actually we forgot to pick towels at Kohl’s. It was really a nice moment. Anyway, we finished everything and came back home at 2:30. It was a very, very successful shopping.
My shopping |
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